100. Ripples (Beyond What We Could Ever Imagine)

I decided at the last moment to mark episode 100 in a different way than I had planned. Tune in to hear about someone who has been on my heart these last few days. Their legacy is one of spreading love, joy and hope. 

We’ll keep the celebration alive in the next episode where I’ll share more about the future of the podcast and how you can be part of it!


Did this episode spark an interesting reflection or a question stirring in your heart? I love hearing from you!

Instagram: @meghanljohnston

Email: hello@meghanjohnston.com

Website: meghanjohnston.com


Episode Transcript


Welcome to episode 100 of With Heart and Wonder. My goodness. 100 episodes. I have been thinking about this episode now for the last, [00:01:00] weeks months. Trying to think about what I wanted it to be. And even in a way,

what it means to me. Because I think there's definitely an element of that I was in of like, wow, it's the a hundredth episode and I have to do something because that's what people do. This is like a milestone. And,

if I'm being fully honest with you. There has been, I don't know if I would call it resistance. But there's been a little bit of friction. Around this idea of this, a hundredth episode for me. And it's taken a little bit of reflection to kind of tune in to what that was. I wanted to be sure that I wasn't just like dodging, celebrating. Because it can be such an ingrained habit, especially, um, For anyone socialized as [00:02:00] girls and women, like there is a way in which. We are taught to be really modest, to play small, to not celebrate our achievements.

And it's like one of the biggest things that I see people struggle with is, is how to really honor and celebrate and be proud of, of, of their accomplishments. And so. there was this piece around like, okay. Am I just trying to Dodge this. And nd like am I. Feeling this need to celebrate just because it's a thing people do also. you know, I am a bit of a rebellious spirit at heart.

And so I often, like, I don't want to be told when to celebrate. I don't want the big celebration to have to be on my birthday just because it's my birthday or, um, you know, for it to, to coincide with any particular date or milestone.

So there was a lot of different thoughts coming up for [00:03:00] me.

And what you're going to hear today is me. Totally unscripted. Um, But just talking about something that's been on my heart the last few days, and it is entirely different than the episode that I had planned for today. Originally, I was thinking that this episode would be a celebration of this community and of all of you and I was going to feature. different stories, um, and words from all of you.

And that episode will a hundred percent still happen later. It doesn't have to be on this a hundredth episode. I think I was feeling this, this pressure. Um, much like someone might feel pressure to celebrate their 30th birthday in a certain way. I was feeling this pressure to do that in episode 100. And we're just going to like, release that pressure and do that later. I will 100% share more about that. [00:04:00]

And I'm actually going to do that in the next episode. So you can stay tuned for more information on that. one of the things that I've been feeling is just this deep desire to create more opportunities for connection in this podcast, community. And I am going to speak more to that

In the next episode. And, and what that might look like for all of us in the coming months. But for today's episode, I want to talk about someone else actually. I want to talk about someone who has never been a guest on the podcast, who I don't. As far as I know, never listened to the podcast is someone who I've only had really brief conversations with like very brief conversations with, um, I've never met this person. The only time we've talked was an Instagram DM.

When I reached out to thank them for the way that they show up in the world. Um, And.

[00:05:00] It might not seem related. To the podcast into this a hundred episode milestone. But it absolutely is. So the person that I want to talk about today, Is Jules Wish. And like I said, I, I. I do not know Jules. I never really had any interactions with Jules besides just like liking and commenting on the occasional post or story. Um, but Jules has had a really. Really. I want to say profound impact. But I don't know that that's the right word. So let's just say she had an impact. On me and my life. And Jules is actually, um, passed away. A few weeks ago at the end of may. she had been on a journey with stage four cancer for several years. [00:06:00] And. Um,

And her death has really been on my heart.

Not in an all consuming way. Um, but it has stirred. Some insights and reflections inside of me.

As I've thought about her impact and the impact that she had on me.

I can't really tell you that much about her or that much about her life. Because, like I said, I didn't really know her and I actually am someone who I don't actually spend a lot of time on Instagram. I don't watch stories. I occasionally see posts, but I'm not someone who spends a lot of time on the app

And so it's not even like. With Jules it's not like I saw every post because I didn't. But the posts that I did see. And the moments that I didn't see them. Really touched me.

And to the point that I reached out last year [00:07:00] and I sent her a message just saying that every time I see one of her posts, it makes me smile. And thanking her for the love. And the positivity that she spreads in the world.

There was this one. Moment. I don't know if it wasn't a story. I don't know if it was a post, but that really stuck with me. And. And, and really touched me.

And Jules was Sharing. I believe she was prepping for a chemo. Treatment day, the next day. And part of his preparation was actually preparing all of these little, like, love notes, and little like bags of goodies of confetti. There might've even been candy involved. That she was going to sprinkle throughout the hospital for other people to find. [00:08:00]

I think there was a story where she left, like post-its on the bathroom mirror.

And this just like nestled into my heart. I'm getting like a little emotional.

But it really spoke to what is one of the most beautiful things I think in this world. Which is when. Someone is going through. At a time that can be heavy or dark or difficult when they are on their own healing journey and all of the waves of emotion.

And challenge and opportunity and possibility that can come with that. But the, when they invite us in.

to love. And to positivity in the midst of all of that.

I have so much admiration. So so much admiration. [00:09:00]

So much respect so much. Awe. So much gratitude. For the people that do that in this world. And I think all of us do that sometimes. And there are some people.

Who just are that.

And so, like I said, I did not know Jules but she created ripples in my life. It wasn't one of these Profound like before and after stories where.

Aye. You know, What's changed in a moment. But what it was was these. Little glimmers.

These little reminders every now and then.

Every time I saw a post or a story. Some days, weeks or months apart.

That. Made me smile. [00:10:00] And that reminded me that I have the capacity to do these little creative, thoughtful. Heartful things. To spread love and positivity in this world.

So I wanted.

To tell you about Jules today and the impact that she had on me.

And I wanted to tell you about her. For so many reasons.

I wanted to tell you about her because there's ways in which we are making impacts. On people and our communities all the time. That we may not realize or know.

I wanted to tell you about her.

Because of the ripples.


There's so much power.

In creating these little [00:11:00] moments of connection of love, possibility. These little moments that make someone smile. Or give their confidence a boost. And those moments might not change the world all in one go, but they really do create ripples. Ripples that might go further than we could ever see or imagine.

And I wanted to tell you. About her today because it really strikes me.

That there's a lot of similarity here. And what this podcast is all about.

For me, the podcast has always been. This interrelationship between all of you.

Listening. Me the guests,when we have them?

But there also. [00:12:00] Is the podcast itself. And I always view creative projects as having their own heart and spirit, their own pulse of life.

And so celebrating the podcast today.

It felt necessary to honor what this podcast is all about.

And the pulse of life and energy of this podcast, which has always. Then about the small shifts the little moments, the glimmers of possibility. That can create ripples in our lives. And the lives of those around us..

So today I'm grateful. For the ripples.,

And for the. Ways in which our lives can touch one another. And ways that we may never fully see. [00:13:00]

I had. Hoped. And to have Jules on the podcast one day. She was on a list I had of someone I was going to reach out to. Because I was so touched by the way that she was showing up in the world.

And that didn't happen.

But I'm really glad I got to tell you about her today.

this little, little snippet that isn't even really a page in the book of her life. More, just my, interpretation. From very far away.

I am so grateful that Jules created. When it seems from afar. Like so many of these. Really beautiful moments for other people. Moments to bring them back into delight, into love, into positivity.

[00:14:00] Sprinkling confetti and joy and hope. For many. During moments that might have been really challenging.

And in that spirit. I truly hope. At this episode inspires you to keep celebrating, not just the really big milestones. But the little moments. Of heart and wonder. Those little glimmers, those powerful reminders. Sprinkled throughout each and every day. And it can bring us back. And to that energy of love and optimism and hope.

For if there's one thing that I know to be true,

it's that we need one another. We need connection. We need to feel. Love. and joy and support.

We'll be back in the next episode, like I said,

I'm going to share more [00:15:00] about ways in which we can connect with one another. Um, as I look to the future of the podcast and absolutely as always, you'll be invited to be a part of that visioning. And to help co-create this space together. Until then keep living With Heart and Wonder.

Meghan Johnston