101. Celebrating YOU ( + this year’s giveaway!)

This one’s a sister episode to ep. 100. Tune in to hear why I’m celebrating you! And how you can join the celebrations this summer. 

>> Head to podcastgiveaway.meghanjohnston.com for all the details on how to earn points and be entered in some spectacular prize draws! <<



Did this episode spark an interesting reflection or a question stirring in your heart? I love hearing from you!

Instagram: @meghanljohnston

Email: hello@meghanjohnston.com

Website: meghanjohnston.com


Episode Transcript


Hello hello and welcome to episode 101 of With Heart and Wonder. This episode is a little bit of a sister episode. [00:01:00] To episode 100. Yes, a hundred episodes. We are officially in the treble debts. And, in episode 100, I, I shared a little bit of like what this milestone sort of meaning to me and the way in which. There's been a grappling with that. I had had a vision of what that episode was going to look like. And it was going to be all about celebrating you. Because really, when I think about this podcast, the thing that has always inspired me and kept me going. Is the sparks that come from connection. And so there wouldn't be a podcast without listeners. Without you tuning in and that just means so much to me.

And I had had this vision for episode 100 of, of sort of [00:02:00] how I wanted to pull together listener stories and. And there's all sorts of. Reasons that that didn't happen. And also my kind of inner rebellious spirit. As somebody who is constantly in this tension of both being a rule follower and a rule breaker. And I know. That there are some of you out there who can relate. This tension of just like feeling on this like timeline in this pressure to celebrate in a certain way at a certain time. And the way in which that just wasn't feeling aligned. And I talk about that a little bit more in episode 100, which if you haven't listened to, you can go have a lesson. But in this one, I really want to share a little bit more about sort of where I've landed with celebrating this milestone in my own timeline. Because I realized that it just felt like so much [00:03:00] more expansive, joyful, abundant, infused with like possibility. More spacious to just stretch the celebration out. So that's what we're going to do. We get to make the rules here.

And so we are going to stretch out the celebration all summer long. Or depending where you live in the world,

it certainly may not be summer where you live, but you can absolutely join us in this spirit of summer celebration.

I'm going to tell you more about what that is going to look like concretely. Because I've got some things up my sleeve to make it fun and a summer of heart and wonder. But first, I want to take a moment, and just celebrate you. Not in the most concrete of [00:04:00] ways. That'll come. There'll be many more opportunities. Throughout the summer for that, but more in this,

Deep, but entirely non-specific way.

I want to celebrate you because if you listen. To this podcast. There is a part of you.

That is honoring I desire deep inside for more.

More aliveness more creativity, more love, more, compassion, more curiosity, more playfulness. It might not be all of those things. It might be other words entirely, but there is a part of you and a readiness inside of you that is ready, is open.

To uh, way of living that is. [00:05:00] Maybe not entirely different. But perhaps ever so slightly more aligned. Or it could be radically different, you know, it's going to depend on where you are and what season of life you're in, but I just. I know in my own life. I can feel

these moments. Where I make an intentional choice to do something. That is going to reconnect me with my heart with that sense of wonder. With my intuition with that truth that is inside myself with my body.

And one of the things that I do is plug in a podcast.

It's not always a podcast. Sometimes it's a meditation. Sometimes it's journaling. Sometimes it's listening to a song that is just giving me life. Um, but I will say for me, there is something. So potent and powerful about things that are auditory.

For me that. [00:06:00] Kind of like immersive feeling that comes from sound. The reverberations are ripples. That really is one of the most like potent tools that I know of to bring me back to myself.

And so I just want to like celebrate you. For a moment.

Because I want to recognize that every single time you pop in your earbuds,

Or throw on this podcast. Maybe while you're out for a walk in the forest. Out for a run. Maybe you're just lying in a Sunbeam.

In your living room. I just want to celebrate. That, that decision to tune in and to listen. To create space, to reconnect with yourself, with your heart, with the sense of wonder.

That's an intentional choice that you're making. And it's an act of deep care. [00:07:00]

I know it's really easy to prioritize, like the big life changing. Types shiftsfs. Those really big moments that happen in our lives. And I also know, I deeply deeply believe it to be true that it's those little, little shifts and those little acts of continually showing up for ourselves. That can be the most powerful. Those little acts of making a choice to realign. With what is true for you?

Not in that like frantic energy. But in that really deeply grounded embodied way.

And so here's to you. Here's to you for making the choice again and again. And to come back to yourself.

To reconnect.

To let yourself be inspired. [00:08:00] To let your mind and your heart wander.

And in the spirit of celebrating. I really wanted to create space this summer. For a celebration. For honoring you.

Honoring this podcast community and bringing more opportunities for us to connect with one another.

So my friends, here's what we've got. I have put together a, what I think is a really fun chance to play in the summer. With connecting with one another connecting to this podcast. And really also dreaming for what the future can be. And I have put it all into what is going to be a really, really spectacular giveaway.

There's going to be a grand prize that I will give away at the [00:09:00] end of the summer. So having until August 31st to play.

And then we'll, we'll draw the grand prize winner at the beginning of September. And the grand prize is going to be a three month coaching series with me. I'm so excited. It is going to be a chance to go deep into any area of life that you are looking to shift. Create more, bring more alignment, help you move towards the vision that you have for your future, whatever that is.

And if you're not sure, I promise we'll be able to figure it out together.

But along the way, in addition to this grand prize, I'm going to be doing a little surprise draws sprinkled throughout the summer. And there's going to be chances to win all sorts of fun things. That have been created and inspired by past podcast guests. I'm so excited about this.

There are a ton of ways [00:10:00] to gain entries into the draws

To rack up points and more points equals more entries for you.

All of which is detailed on a webpage which you can access. podcastgiveaway.meghanjohnston.com. there's all sorts of fun ways to participate.

Including completing this year's listener survey. Where you'll have a chance to share your feedback, share the types of things you'd love to hear going forward. Just like last year I tried to make it fun. With some fun and different questions that would get you thinking in different ways.

I hope you enjoy taking it. Um, you can leave ratings and reviews.

And you can also share episodes on social media. You can share episodes as many times as you like throughout the summer, you don't have to be new ones. They can be old ones. You can share reflections. You can share with the episode made you think of, you can share how it's landing with you. Really, [00:11:00] my hope is that in sharing, we can generate more conversations with one another with other listeners and just, um, it can be a chance to, to connect. To connect and to celebrate.

You'll find all of the giveaway information on podcastgiveaway.meghanjohnston.com.

And like I said, I'm so excited

to shower our community with some different gifts along the summer, as well as this grand prize at the end of the summer season. I truly, truly cannot wait.

And over the summer, I'll also be sharing listener stories about how the podcast has impacted you. The little shifts that it's created in your perspective

Or the small changes that you've been able to make in your life. I am truly so excited to shine a light on, on you. And to celebrate you.

If you'd love to share your story with me, you can fill out the listener survey or you can also send me an [00:12:00] email or just message me on Instagram.

I am always so happy to hear what you have to say. You'll find me on Instagram @meghanljohnston. If

You are sharing about the podcast on social media throughout the summer. Be sure to tag me that way, I can make sure that you get entry into the draws.

Um, and you can also use the hashtag #summerofheartandwonder. If you have any questions about any of this at all ? Don't hesitate to reach out.

I am just so, so grateful for you.

And I'm so excited about dreaming for the future together. And what this podcast space might hold for all of us. Until next time. Keep living With Heart and Wonder. [00:13:00]

Meghan Johnston